Who We Are

We are Idahoans with disabilities who employ personal assistants and Idahoans who work as personal assistants.

Our Mission

To identify and promote constructive ideas to improve working conditions for PAS employees and encourage professionalism, recruitment, and retention.

Our Goals

* To carry recommendations from each regional PAS work group (Regional PAS work groups are composed of personal assistants and personal assistance services consumers; the mission of the work groups is to identify and promote constructive ideas to improve working conditions for PAS employees and encourage professionalism, recruitment, and retention, and to address issues affecting PAS working and hiring conditions by formulating constructive recommendations to be presented to a statewide panel.)

* To organize and present those recommendations to the Legislature, the Personal Assistance Services Oversight (PAO) Committee, and other public policy groups.

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This project has been funded solely by a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (CFDA 93.768) from the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services, US Department of Health & Human Services, administered by the Idaho State Independent Living Council.